My Favourites | Bathtime

Good evening you Beauties!

Hope you are all well and your week is off to a fabulous start!

As I write this, I have X-Men: The Last Stand on E4 (I am a little Marvel Comic Films geek and especially love all the Avengers) on in the background, my PJs on and candles lit. At the mo, this is my little bit of heaven, without getting in the tub. I am still healing from my surgery and I am only allowed to shower, so you can imagine my frustration knowing I can’t have a full on pamper sesh with a bath, a book, and face mask and all the other wonderful things it includes! (nails, a cheeky beverage etc)

But during my time only being able to shower, it has genuinely made me appreciate it and the little bit more variety of products that are available to you to stay fresh and pasty-stink free!

Anyway, here is a sneak peek into just a few of my fave products when I do have a pamper, or just feel like a good scrub!

I think by now you can all appreciate that I am a cheap and cheerful kinda gal, but just because a product isn’t expensive doesn’t mean it has to be completely rubbish. We have all come across the no-so-great products in our hope for saving a few pennies but we have to remember that one product maybe ones saviour, but another’s idea of hell.

I have had my fair share of bad reactions to shower gels, bubble baths and other skin related products; dry skin, itching, eczema but they haven’t just been the lower end products so the price tag doesn’t really mean a thing to me, so the best thing about my blog today is that EACH product comes under the Β£5 mark. Doesn’t that sound delightful?


So to start with I have a product that is new to me, but having been eyeing up for a while. Surprise, surprise it is by Nivea (so I am bound to love it). It is the In-Shower Body Moisturiser in Pampering Honey. It promised to hydrate for 24+ hours and to leave just as nourished as slapping on that bog standard moisturiser. Boy oh boy, it lives up to that expectation and then some. I feel so amazing after showering with this product. It is to be used after cleansing but can be applied all over. It is designed to take that greasy feeling left when moisturising, especially when you have to stand star shaped half naked in your bedroom freezing your panties off (and then you realise you left the curtains open!). Β It smells absolutely divine and I am left feeling silky smooth. It even does the job after shaving. For me this is a 10/10 product and I will be stocking up! The great thing is if you are sensitive to smells and like more of a fresher fragrance, then there is a standard option, available in a blue bottle for extra dry skin, or a white bottle for everyday skin.


Because the In-Shower Moisturiser by Nivea has to be applied after cleansing, it would be silly of me to miss out on letting you know what I am loving at the moment in the form of Shower Gel. I have two favourite brands when it comes to lathering up, and that is between Radox and Original Source. Radox for me have brought out a few disappointing smelling products so for me right now it is all about the OS. They haven’t let me down yet when it comes to scents and products. My current Can’t-Live-Withouts are the Vanilla and Raspberry and the Mint and Tea Tree. The V&R smells is more of a yoghurty smell and is perfect if want something sweeter. It is all Natural Fragrance and gives you that little extra moisturise. The Mint bottle claims to have 7,927 real mint leaves packed into one bottle and it definitely smells that way. It gives you that extra wake up for a morning shower and makes you feel cool and fresh. Perfection!

And finally, can’t mention any bathroom products without sharing my favourites by Radox. Their Bath Soaks.


The Muscle Soak is for long days where I have done a tough workout or been on my feet a lot. I suffer with irritated knees, especially in the winter, so this is ideal. The blue and greens ones have more of a manly smells, but I love a good man smell every now and again πŸ™‚ This one includes some Sea Minerals and Clary Sage to ease the aches and pains.

The Stress ReliefΒ soak has ‘a calming blend of rosemary and eucalyptus’. I use this for “I am going to kill my boyfriend so pour me some bubbles” days. (Take that in either bathing or in an alcoholic beverage form πŸ˜‰ ) I find the scents so soothing and really allows me to relax and take some me time!

You can’t forget the little girly and more moisturising bubbles. Doing what it says on the tin, It nourishes with a blend of Ginger and Shea Butter. This one leaves my bathroom smelling so good and is another great product when you are suffering with a bit of that pesky dry skin. Especially with the winter coming up, I will stocking up on this one ready for when I can once again enjoy a good soak!

What are your must have products in for when you are having a good scrub?

Share yours and I will check them out for myself!

Goodbye for now My Loves xo


Instagram – @writtenbytayla

5 thoughts on “My Favourites | Bathtime

    • I can’t get enough of it! Feeling better but the whole situation I was in with surgery/work etc really bought me down, so the blogging suffered! Thanks for asking lovely, I will stay in touch this time as I am back! I hope you are well, it has been a while! xo

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